Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I've been tagged.

This time I've been tagged by Erisha. Hope that you'll know & understand me better.

Post these rules before you give the facts.

List eight (8) random facts about yourself.

At the end of your post, choose (tag) eight people and list their names (linking to them).

Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they’ve been tagged!

8 Random Facts About Me

(1) Drinking too much alcohol can cause my arms & legs to be scattered with patches of red rash..*sigh*

(2) I dislike a friend of mine but I pretend to be nice & friendly. Kinda 'teruk' right.. hehe. Well, like they say.. "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."

(3) My original plan wasn't to study Mass Comm at KDU. I actually had 2 options, which I'd thought of long b4 SPM. The options were to do either Interior Design or Graphic Design.. while the colleges I chose were either the PJ College of Art & Design (PJCAD) or The One Academy.

I have a feminine nickname (courtesy of my twin bro, Marv) which is Renee.

All my fingers (except my thumbs) can be bent 45 degrees upwards.

(6) I absolutely LOATHE hard rock, heavy metal & anything related to those 2 music genres.

(7) I have a GINORMOUS crush on DJ Denise of MTV! She's super HOT!!!

The only style of underwear for me is briefs & boxer shorts.. boxers make me feel naked. (Don't bother asking me why.)

Okie dokes.. I'm done. That last (8th) fact is pure randomness.. haha.. my mind was damn blank towards the end.. haih! Yet again I shall ignore the last 2 instructions & for the same reason (everyone has done this). It's also bcus I'm damn tired & lazy now.. wakaka!!!

Darren out.

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