Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sleep deprivation

Ugh! I'm so fatigued!!!!

It has caused me the following problems:
1) I have dark circles under my eyes.
2) I start feeling tired even before midnight, around 10 plus.
3) I have difficulty getting up on time, cause I feel like just going back to sleep.
4) My body kinda aches, but only once in a while.
5) My nose started bleeding for no particular reason just a few minutes ago.
6) I keep pressing the wrong key on the keypad as I type.

My sleeping time is so totally fucked up! No shit.

But then I do blame myself for not sleeping at my usual time. Like I said earlier, my eyes start dropping even before midnight. But then, I still shut it off and continue staying up till late, like what I'm doing now.

WTF is wrong with me la??! I seriously can't take this anymore. I literally need my "beauty sleep" cause it's really making me "ugly", both physically and mentally.

Sigh, I have an assignment to do now. The deadline's tomorrow. Yes, it's last minute work. Sorry la. I am a procrastinator anyways. So it's no surprise that I'll end up completing my assignments last minute, okay?

Just don't say anything. Shut up. Okay, back to work now. Goodnight humans. Pleasant dreams. I know I won't have any, so you can have mine tonight.

Darren out.

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