Saturday, June 20, 2009

Overweight issues

I started packing my stuff for Oz today. And man, it's bloody boring! So here I am taking a breather and.. blogging.

So yeah, I've only started packing today. I've been so lazy about it. And thing is, it's not the only thing I have to do. I still have a few other important stuff (none of them related to my flying to Oz) to settle before I leave. Ugh.

Anyways, I've been folding clothes all day. And it's this constant, routine-like movements of taking the clothes off the hangers, folding them and then putting them into the luggage is what makes packing so boring. Okay, I've gotta stop complaining :(

Change of topic. My dad has just flown down to Oz this afternoon. He's tagging along with one of my uncles.. the rich architect, Uncle Ambrose to be exact. Most of my dad's expenses for the trip are paid for by him. Yes, including the plane tickets. He's my dad's brother-in-law and their like BFFs. Go figure.

Anyhoots, my cousin (Uncle Ambrose's son) and his girlfriend are also flying down later today. Yes, separate flight. Weird right? I know. And btw, they're Aaron and Samantha. Sammie's studying in RMIT, like me :)

So yeah, that's why my uncle flew down. He needs to be there to find and buy an apartment for them. And, like I said, my dad's just tagging along. So cause he's going before me, he helped me bring down some stuff too. But it ain't much. I've still got lots to bring down on my own.

Gotta get back to work. Sigh.

Darren out.

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