Saturday, August 16, 2008

Letter of temporary resignation

Steph, Marv and I have officially (temporarily) stopped working at La Casa. Sigh.. I wanted to at least work till the end of the month before stopping, but my stupid schedule for this new semester is so damn fcuked up! There are a couple of days where I have an early 8-10am lecture and then my next one is at around 2pm or 3pm.

Like what the hell am I supposed to do during that 4 hours plus??! I guess if there really is nothing to do then I'll probably be cooped up in the com lab facebook-ing, blogging about nonesense, or some shit.

But then at least for this semester my Tuesdays are lecture and tutorial free. Yay! It's time we're given a day off!

That's the interior of La Casa where I used to work at. The lady boss said that she'll try finding and scheduling a couple of days for me to work. I'm really hoping I can work a lil' more. I want the moolah!

Darren out.

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