Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sometime foods

Nicky, Lou, Iman and I baked cookies yesterday. It was tiresome (we had to drop each spoon of batter on onto the mat one-by-one, and there was a giant mixing bowl of it!) but was still fun heaps.

We made two types of cookies. Actually, Iman and I made the batter for the peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. Nicky and Lou made the Famous Amos ones.

So from the peanut butter batter (Ooh, tongue twister!), I made a 'D' shaped cookie. And it turned out pretty good.


I wanted to take another picture of me biting the 'D' against a white background. Only place was the dining room. Sad thing was after the first try, I was wiping sweat from my cheek when the cookie broke. I forgot I was just holding the tip. It fell, hit a nearby chair and "exploded" all over the floor! Poor cookie :'(

The picture I took before the "explosion".

The cookie's "remains".
The bits I managed to save are on the red cover.

Oh and after dinner, we played Pictionary! I love that game! It was fun heaps too but Lou and I kept getting the difficult words. We lost. Duh!

Darren out.

1 comment:

Schmartypanz said...

hahahahh bodoh u take pic of the remains too! lol