Friday, May 1, 2009

Sun and Suds

Bloody hell! It's a fcuking holiday for crying out loud! And it's during holidays that people who can afford to, would sleep in cause they'd purposely slept late the night before.

But no! In came the brat this morning to wake me up.. on mummy's orders! And why?? Cause she wants me to wash the damn car! Plus it was around 10-ish at the time and the sun was already up and blazing. I have enough tan lines, thank you very much!

Man, this is one of the reasons why I hate having my own car sometimes. Especially to have to wash it on your own, and in my case in the fcuking hot sun. It's pretty hard work.

But I did the damn washing anyways. Cause if I didn't, I'll never hear the end of it from the mother.. oh wait, and the father too. Welcome to my damn life!

By the way, Happy Labor Day!

Darren out.

EDIT (11:16 AM):

The brat just came in and said we're going for high tea. Hmm.. guess that's nice enough to make me forget this morning's incidents. Gotta go get ready. Bye.

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